We’re all unpacked and moved in, so if you haven’t had the chance yet, come check out the bigger and better Soap & Supply. There’s so much more space in the new shop, plenty of room to browse our carefully curated collection of sustainable products, sniff out your favorite soaps or grab a seat at the beauty bar and sample some products. Plus, you’ll want to check out the awesome chandeliers from Ferro Antico hanging from our ceiling.
OPEN HOUSE We’ll be hosting an open house on Saturday, May 21. Art Walk Santa Fe will be at Rosina Place from 1-5 p.m. that day, so it’s a great time to celebrate. As part of the festivities, we’ll be giving away a gift basket loaded with goodies. You can register in-person on Saturday to win. Mo Judith of Aura la Voura will be in the shop on Saturday for our open house. She’ll be there to introduce her line of hydrosols, which include Rose Bud, Lavadin, Peppermint, and Chamomile. While most hydrosols are watered down, Aura la Voura’s are 100% pure and exclusive to Soap & Supply. An herbalist and practicing alchemist, Mo spent years traveling the globe learning from healers. Everything from Aura la Voura is made in small batches with ingredients that are grown by organic farms or gathered sustainably by her band of foragers across the globe. Distilled in pure copper, slowly and with intention, Aura la Voura produces the highest quality products that are unique in nature to share with you, from the earth and for the body. She’ll also have samples of her locally made essential oils and salves. Come by and meet Mo, check out her products and learn about their many applications.
By popular demand, we now have bulk vinegar available in the shop. This 30% cleaning vinegar concentrate is six times more powerful than standard vinegar. For a normal household cleaning vinegar, dilute it at a 1:6 ratio.
With more space, we’re stocking the shelves with lots more new products. That list includes:
Sustabaly harvested sea sponges from Germany
Routine Sexy Sadie Shampoo and Conditioner – Like their popular deodorants, these are great forpeople who love scent. The conditioner is super rich and great for dry hair.
Eco Max Kitchen and Body Brushes
Fat & the Moon Mama & Babe Collection - Arriving this week!
Unscented Puretergent Laundry
Molly's Suds Activewear Laundry Powder
SELF-SERVE AND DROP-OFF ORDERS When we initially opened the shop, the idea was that customers could fill their own containers, but COVID and tight spaces in our old shop made that difficult. With more room, you can once again fill your own containers, if you’d like. We’re happy to fill your orders for you too, whatever you prefer. And you can still drop off your orders for us to fill too, which is a great option if you’re in a hurry. We're so excited to share the new space! -Amy